| | September 201919CompanyDescriptionManagementCambrian InnovationWatertown, MAcambrianinnovation.comMatthew Silver, Founder & CEOIt offers cost-effective and sustainable options for onsite wastewater treatment, water reuse, and clean energy generation. It’s robust research and development group is also commercializing a broader portfolio of environmental productions to help industrial clients efficiently manage their resources Calgon Carbon [NYSE: CCC]Moon Township, PAcalgoncarbon.comSteve SchottPresident & CEOCalgon Carbon is a global leader in the activated carbon and reactivation industry with complementary expertise in ultraviolet disinfection and oxidation, ion exchange technology, and ballast water treatmentECOVAPOrem, UTecovap.comMichael J. Patey, Founder, Chief Technology Officer;Jason Mendenhall, Chief Executive Officer;Rowe Michels, VP of Strategic Planning;Kristen Lamb, COO;Jeff Knowles, CFOA wastewater management solution provider that utilizes an innovative, patent-pending technology to enable the quick and clean evaporation of wastewaterevoquaPittsburgh, PAevoqua.comRonald (Ron) KeatingPresident & CEOIts unparalleled portfolio of proven brands, advanced technologies, mobile and emergency water supply solutions helps cities to charge clean water, and enable leisure and commercial industry to maximize productivity and profitabilityFogBustersOakland, CAfogbustersinc.comStephen EdelsonPresident & CFOBradley MartCEOFogBusters is a revolutionary technology for removing fat, oil and grease (FOG) from wastewaterSUEZ Trevose, PAsuezwatertechnologies.comYuvbir SinghCEOSUEZ aids industries in solving the toughest water, wastewater and process challenges. The company works with a range of industries including food and beverage, metals and mining and power, among othersStratusMaynard, MAstratus.comDavid C. LaurelloCEOStratus provides best-in-class solutions for water and wastewater facilities delivering a complete always-on system that is cost-effective, thereby enhancing efficiencies of water and wastewater companiesVeolia Aubervilliers, FRveolia.comAntoine FrérotCEOVeolia is a global leader that provides solutions for water, waste and energy management, contributing to the sustainable development of communities and industriesBioMicrobics Inc.Lenexa, KSbiomicrobics.comBob ReboriPresidentProvides scalable and cost-effective technology for treating and managing wastewater, grey water, and stormwater sources land and seaTop 10 Wastewater Management Solution Providers - 2019Natural Systems Utilities Hillsborough, NJnsuwater.comWilliam R. MassaCEOA leading water reclamation and reuse company offering clients fully integrated and cost-effective solutions by integrating best-in-class innovations in system design
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