| | NOVEMBER 20225IN MY OPINION08Maintenance in the 21st Century: The Importance of CMMS and Asset Management in the New Age of Wastewater OperationsCharles Heino, Director of Municipal Operations, EOM OperationsJasa Zizek Fuis, Product Manager, Wastewater Treatment, Andreja Peternelj, Wastewater Treatment Development Manager, Treatment Plant, Tomaz Ruzic, Product Manager, DISNet WS - Water systems, Petrol d.d., Ljubljana, Petrol GroupFerdinand Bartels, Department Head & Project Manager, PreussenElektraCatherine Schladweiler, Environmental Policy and Sustainability, Tucson Electric Power CompanyTony Harrington, Director of Environment, Welsh WaterStephen Miller, Analyst, Southwest GasBenjamin Stanford, PhD, Associate Vice President, Hazen and SawyerUtility Leadership and Digital Strategy: A Roadmap to SuccessFEATURE COMPANIESLAST WORD30TOP 10 WASTE MANAGEMENTSOLUTIONS PROVIDERS IN EUROPE 202221AQWISEMoshe Shalem,CEO25MONTELLO S.P.ARoberto Sancinelli, President28WABIORaphael Fitz,CEO
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