| | NOVEMBER 20226EDITOR’S DESKSmart grid technologies can transform traditional energy distribution networks into intelligent electricity grids that facilitate two-way communication between the utilities companies and end consumers, while improving situational awareness.With the addition of cutting-edge technologies like IoT and AI, smart grids also implement sophisticated energy management systems (EMS) to improve the monitoring of electricity transport through the real-time exchange of data, thereby improving electricity management and reducing electricity theft substantially. It is also employing digital communications technology now to improve monitoring of local variations, as well as enable the network to self-heal after a power outage. Through different smart tools and technologies, grids are becoming more dependable in terms of electricity supply, while benefitting the environment. Driven by recent tech trends, the smart grid technology market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18.2 percent to reach $162.4 billion by 2030.To put the spotlight on many more developments in the industry, Utilities Tech Outlook illustrates how utilities are leveraging the newest tech trends. This edition also features thought leadership articles from subject matter experts. Some of the exclusive insights are authored by Julian Kaufmann, Senior Vice President, CAMS; Antonio Lisboa, Chief Solution Architect, EDP; Albert Phan, Principal Program Manager, Pepco Holdings; and João Amaral, Chief Technology Officer, Voltalia. They shed light on the different possibilities for storing energy and the most promising energy technologies that we will see in the future.In this edition of Utilities Tech Outlook, we also bring to you the story of the top smart grid solution providers. In the list, Enersponse stands out, discussing the automated DERs for grid stability and decarbonization. We also bring you the story of Gridiron, which is unleashing the potential of on-site power generation.Through the following pages, we aim to shine a light on the innovative trends and latest developments in the smart grid space. We would like to know your thoughts.Olivia Smith Managing Editoreditor@utilitiestechoutlook.comIntegration of Artificial Intelligence in Smart GridOlivia SmithCopyright © 2022 ValleyMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof.VisualizersRonald DonovanManaging EditorOlivia SmithDisclaimer: *Some of the Insights are based on our interviews with CIOs and CXOsEditorial StaffAaron Pierce Ava GarciaJoshua Parker Kenny PeruzziVian Isaac NOVEMBER - 15 - , 2022, Vol 06 - Issue 08 ISSN: 2832-3890 Published by ValleyMedia, Inc. To subscribe to Utilities Tech OutlookVisit www.utilitiestechoutlook.com 600 S Andrews Ave Ste 405,Ft Lauderdale, Fl 33301
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