| | June - Aug 20226EDITOR'S DESKThe COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge influence on the electricity and utility business, spanning from demand and operational ramifications to dealing with a flood of late-paying customers. Utility businesses must accommodate a variety of client payment alternatives while also managing receivables and bad debt to sustain liquidity and meet customer needs.As payment delays increase, utility firms will need to work fairly and equitably through the financial effect of COVID-19 with regulators and communities while also increasing customer experience improvements. Greater collaboration with stakeholders to solve the pandemic's difficulties will also be critical in strengthening trust with these groups as utilities try to evolve and ensure their place in the future energy system. As vaccination rates rise, long-term utility demand trends should return to more conventional patterns. However, in the short term, this means increasing residential demand from a section of the economy that continues to work from home, countered by the possible acceleration in energy efficiency and uncertainties around total manufacturing activity, commercial office usage, and travel trends. This will lead utility companies to lean on transmission and distribution solutions providers to provide the resources to their customers cost-effectively.Our editorial board at Utilities Tech Outlook Europe has analyzed the most popular trends of the year to assist industry leaders in manoeuvring in the right direction when adopting Transmission and Distribution Solutions. We have filtered out the companies that genuinely set themselves leagues apart and strive to not only outperform the rest of the pack but also solve pressing challenges prevailing in the industry. Please, let us know your thoughts.Olivia Smith Managing Editoreditor@utilitiestechooutlook.comEffects of the Pandemic on the Utilities SectorOlivia SmithCopyright © 2022 ValleyMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof. JUNE - AUG, 2022, Vol 06 - Issue 04 Published by ValleyMedia, Inc. To subscribe to Utilities Tech OutlookVisit www.utilitiestechoutlook.com SalesRich Gonsalvesrich@utilitiestechoutlook.comVisualizersRonald DonovanManaging EditorOlivia SmithDisclaimer: *Some of the Insights are based on our interviews with CIOs and CXOsEditorial StaffAaron Pierce Ava GarciaJoshua Parker Kenny PeruzziVian Isaac600 S Andrews Ave Ste 405,Ft Lauderdale, Fl 33301
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