| | DECEMBER 20225CXO INSIGHTSLAST WORDDEREK DAVY,CEOECONSE26PAUL FLEISCHER, PRESIDENTINFRASTRUCTURE INTELLIGENCE SERVICES (I2S) INC.29MIKE BURDICK, PRESIDENTPROGRESSIVE SEALING30SANDRA MESSIH, HEAD OF DIVISIONSTRATZER33Benjamin Stanford, PhD, Associate Vice President, Hazen and SawyerUtility Leadership and Digital Strategy: A Roadmap to Success23TOP 10 CANADA SERVICES COMPANIES 2022UTILITIES WASTEMANAGEMENT Responsible Water Management is an Investment in the FutureJasa Zizek Fuis, Product Manager, Wastewater Treatment; Andreja Peternelj, Wastewater Treatment Development Manager, Treatment Plant; Tomaz Ruzic, Product Manager, DISNet WS - Water systems, Petrol d.d., Ljubljana, Petrol Group19Tony Harrington, Director of Environment, Welsh WaterSpring - The New Innovation Company Set Up for the UK Water Industry - Takes Its First Steps27Charles Heino, Director of Municipal Operations, EOM OperationsMaintenance in the 21st Century: The Importance of CMMS and Asset Management in the New Age of Wastewater Operations31Ferdinand Bartels, Department Head & Project Manager, PreussenElektraMaterial Handling and Storage in Waste Management of a NPP Decommissioning34
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