| | APRIL 20236EDITOR'S DESKA new revolution in power transmission and distribution is emerging with the large-scale integration of energy-efficient smart grids and infrastructure improvements. Utilities are integrating their electric equipment with sensors, data communications, controls, and software orchestration that leverage real-time information and analytics to effectively address the challenges of today's power industry. On account of these advancing developments, the global transmission and distribution market is forecasted to be worth $300 billion in 2031, according to the latest market analysis reports. The reports identify the market to witness prolific growth at a CAGR of 4.1 percent during the forecast period. Rapid urbanization and industrialization, coupled with a substantial rise in investments in grid technologies and smart meters, are the principal factors driving the market growth, boosting the electricity demand. This edition of Utilities Tech Outlook brings forth the most influential developments in the transmission and distribution space aimed at increasing reliability, integrating renewable energy resources, and aiding better business decisions. The edition features thought leadership articles from Stephen Harrison, Director of Asset Management and Interim Director of Internal Audit at California Water Service, who sheds light on the significance of audits to enhance and validate the performance, maturity, and importance of an asset management program. It also brings to the spotlight invaluable insights from Walter Alvarado, VP of System & Transmission Operation at Con Edison, who talks about contributing to a clean future and energy transition using technology and deep analysis of rich data. We hope this edition helps you find the most appropriate transmission and distribution solution and service providers that will assist you with the industry-best approaches dedicated to building more precision, visibility, and control to reduce downtime in power distribution and increase energy efficiency and reliability.Let us know your thoughts!Olivia Smith Managing Editoreditor@utilitiestechoutlook.comPowering the Future of Smart Energy ManagementOlivia SmithCopyright © 2023 ValleyMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof.VisualizersRonald DonovanManaging EditorOlivia SmithDisclaimer: *Some of the Insights are based on our interviews with CIOs and CXOsEditorial StaffAaron Pierce Ava GarciaJoshua Parker Kenny PeruzziVian Isaac APRIL - 01 - 2023, Vol 07 - Issue 01 ISSN: 2832-3904 Published by ValleyMedia, Inc. To subscribe to Utilities Tech OutlookVisit www.utilitiestechoutlook.com Email:sales@utilitiestechoutlook.comeditor@utilitiestechoutlook.commarketing@utilitiestechoutlook.com
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